Options / Editor
The Options / Editor holds global site information that is managed by the content editor. It has to do with important but harmless information, mostly to do with the site look and feel.
- font size,
- font family,
- background colour,
- font colour,
- logo.
- font size,
- line height,
- font family,
- background colour,
- font colour.
- font size,
- font family,
- background colour,
- font colour.
- default Public URL,
- default number of posts.
- copyright site name,
- background colour,
- font colour,
- font family,
- font size,
- social media channels and links.
- default publisher,
- default author,
- title append,
- MS validate meta tag,
- Google Site Verification meta tag,
- Google Tag Manager ID,
- preferred fallback language.